Overcards (QQ vs. AK): Pocket pair is at least a 52% favorite (commonly referred to as a coin flip) Pocket Pair vs. One overcard (JJ vs. A10): Pocket pair is at least a 66% favorite; Overcards vs. Undercards (AK vs. Q10): Overcards are at least a 57% favorite; One overcard (A3 vs. J10): Overcard is at least a 50% favorite. Aside from KK and AA which will leave QQ drawing super thing, AK will also be tossing a coin with pocket queens. Unless you are comfortable with a lot of variance, getting queens all in pre-flop will set you on a shaky ride. There isn’t a lot of doubt that moving all in pre-flop with queens is profitable in many online games, it’s simply. Getting dealt pocket Aces This is an article about one of the best or worst (depending on the point of view) situations in poker, namely the AA vs KK hand including odds and probabilities for AA vs KK. Every poker player loves to look down on their hole cards and see a pair of aces staring back at them. It really is a beautiful site, albeit a rather rare one that will only happen, on average.

So as many of you know i have started my $50 bankroll challenge which is going decently well BUT i have a huge leak in my game that has always been a reason that i have either lost my whole stack or even my whole BR if i am not following proper BR rules.

Ak vs kk odds

The leak i am talking about is the horrible (For me) AK and QQ. These two culprits seem to leave me high and dry with no money and a healthy dose of tilt more often than not (ESPECIALLY the queens)

Ak Vs Qq Preflop Odds

So this is going to be a 'Overall' view of my scenarios as im not talking about a specific hand but more a array of hands. Lets say that i am on the button with QQ or AK and a mid position player raises to 3BB ahead of me. my normal play is to 3bet these holdings and 3x the original raise. BUT my issue comes along when i face a 4 bet. In my eyes and at the stakes im playing i expect many players to play wide and 4-bet with AJo,AQ,JJ,TT etc.... but this never seems to be the case. Without fail i will shove to thier 4bet and they will unvail AA or KK and i am drawing nearly dead.

I seem to run pretty bad with large pocket pairs as a whole because even when i shove AA i seem to get them cracked a good percentage of the time even heads up where i should have about 80%.

SO! my question is.... what do all of you do in these situations or how do you play AK,QQ,JJ in general.
- Do you call a 4 bet and set mine if the opponenst stack size is big enough?
- Do you lay down anything less than AA and KK to a 4bet?
- If you are 3bet with either of these hands would you counter with a 3bet or just call?
- When would you shove with these hands if at all?

King Qq

I can honestly say that i am a solid player with good fundimentals but this has ALWAYS been a giant leak for me and has caused me to go on tilt and lose my entire BR more than once and i would love to fix it haha. It is soul crushing to sit and grind at a table for 3 hours to build a nice big stack and see it all shipped away on one bad call.

I have began folding AK to 4 bets and set mining QQ but im just wondering if thier are any better lines i could take with these hands.

Ak Suited Vs Qq


Ak Vs Qq Probability

Thanks Guys!
- Adam

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